Clashes erupt in the West Bank and Jerusalem

  • 12 years ago

STORY: Israeli police and Palestinian worshippers clashed on Friday (February 24), after security forces entered the compound of al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

An Israeli police spokesman at the scene said officers entered the compound surrounding al-Aqsa Mosque after stones were thrown at them from within. The spokesman said police used stun grenades to disperse the stone throwers.

Tensions have risen recently between Palestinians and the Israeli police after worshippers complained of provocative acts by Jewish extremists going unpunished by the police.

The compound, known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as al-Aqsa Mosque is holy to both faiths.

Meanwhile in the West Bank city of Hebron, Palestinians marched after Friday prayers towards the old city, confronting the Israeli army on what has been named 'The Global Day of Action to Open Shuhada Street'.

Shuhada Street has remained closed to Palestinians since the 1994 massacre of Palestinians at the Ibrahimi Mosque by Baruch Goldstein.
