Hong Kong: PETA Anti-fur Activists Speak Out

  • 14 years ago
A small group of protesters sat in cages on the pavement outside the Hong Kong Fur and Fashion Fair on Thursday, demonstrating against the cruelty towards animals in fur farms and markets.

Members of the animal activist group PETA say a 14-month undercover investigation on fur markets and fur farms in China painted a bleak picture.

[Jason Baker, PETA Asia Director]:
"There's no protection for animals on fur farms in China. We repeatedly go in and the government keeps saying things are going to improve, things are improving and they're not."

Peta released footage from a 2009 undercover investigation into fur markets and farms, which they say is headed for use within the fur industry.

Hong Kong Fur Federation spokesman Timothy Everest says the fur industry is doing its best to improve conditions.

[Timothy Everest, Hong Kong Fur Federation]:
"I'm not saying that every Chinese farm is a paragon of virtue because it isn't and I would be foolish to try and convince you otherwise. But they do their very, very best. And instead of hiding in cages downstairs, they should maybe work with the Chinese to improve welfare standards which is what the fur trade wants to do."

He added that China is not a major global fur source, with most of it going into domestic clothing industry.
