After I Say I'm Sorry- Brian Ogilvie/Bob Wilber

  • 15 years ago
After I say I’m Sorry – Bob Wilber 1998(?)
Unfortunately I do not have all the details of this video. What made it very special to me that I found Bob Wilber sharing clarinet playing with my old friend Brian Ogilvie. Brian was in our band in 1980-81. After a fairly short career, he passed away at 50 in 2004, it is good to see him in this clip with some of the world’s greatest jazz stars, Bob Wilber on clarinet and Ralph Sutton on piano. I dedicate this clip to his brother Don, also a fine musician, who lives in Vancouver and with whom I played for several years in the late nineties.
I am not familiar with the names of the fine guitarist, bassist and drummer in this film clip.