Goose Pimples-Bob Wilber

  • 17 years ago
Goose Pimples Wilber Bob 1975

The tune Goose Pimples was recorded by Bix and his Gang on October 25 1927, In that same session he recorded "Since my best girl' as well as some more tunes with the Frankie Trumbauer Orchestra. The Gang were all members of the Trumbauer Band.

Bob Wilber charted this tune completely including the solos. It is unique to see musicians of this caliber, who can express themselves stylistically and consequently have made their own sound, come together and play so close to the original recording done in 1927 by Bix Beiderbecke and his Gang.
Cornettist Warren Vache must have been in his mid twenties in this 1975 recording. His approach and feeling is so in style with Bix's music. Drummer Chauncy Moorehouse who played in the 1927 recording was asked what he thought about this band. He said;"Better"
