Natalia Jewel

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Welcome To My Channel!!  ̄ω ̄ ¯◡◡¯
Hi, my name is Natalia Jewel. I love to sing, eat, sleep, make comics, draw, and go on the computer. During the summer, I am on the swim team. During the school year, I kill myself because of so much homework. P;
Other Site Accounts:
MapleStory: HelthGoddess
Kart Rider: Johtoh
deviantART: natalie-jewel
MSN: Only for people I know!!
Photobucket: QuackDucky
BoingDragon Counters: QuackyDucky
Xat: vanillaextract/dropsoftwilight
SmackJeeves: DuckyJewel
Photobucket: poppinfruits
Gaia: Illuminating Dusk
iScribble: NatalieJewel
YouTube: NatalieJewel