
Hello! Ciao! Hallo! Kon'ichiwa! Bonjour! Ni hao! Privet! Hoi! Hei! Hej!

Hi anyone who just happened to fall upon this page! I know, I'm probably really boring because I never upload on here anymore...oops...!

So here are some things that you should know about me:

I'm the biggest anime nerd you could ever hope to find.

I am teaching myself how to speak several languages

I am somewhat a cosplayer.

I have pointe shoes and hate them to death.

wario12 is my brother

ManectricLover is my BFF!!

I am filming a Hetalia LPS series that I might decide to put up on here and on YouTube.

The Phantom of the Opera is my baby

So is Ramin Karimloo.

The Hockey Teams I Like:
-Boston Bruins
-Pittsburg Penguins
-Chicago Red Wings
-Washington Capitols (not all that great)
-New York Rangers

Try to guess where I live now, BWAHAHAHA! Lolz!!