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Reiki is the ancient art of energy healing using specific techniques.

Reiki is an alternative to medicine. It is a Japanese form of healing that is popular all across the world.

In this technique, the Reiki healers use 'universal energy' and transfer this energy through their hands or palms to the patient for physical or emotional healing. It is said that when someone has a physical or emotional injury, the energy in their body is stuck in that area. Reiki healers try and move that blocked energy. When the energy is stuck and cannot release, it can cause adverse effects and illnesses.

There are so many Reiki healers all over the world. The power of the energy is known to be strong. As a person grows old, they gain wisdom and the experience of the life they have lived, and the beautiful journey of the soul makes them see the light and the power that the universe holds. When the journey gets deep, they can even feel the inner energy radiating. The inner self, the soul, mind, and practice of energy hands-on healing are all related.

Read one of the best Reiki quotes: "Just for today, I will find joy in even the smallest of life's gifts. Just for today, I will feel at peace." - Dr. Mikao Usui.