Last of the Mohicans 1

  • 12 years ago
A clip from "The 1920 Classic Myth: The Last of the Mohicans" re-produced by Blue Butterfly Group from the original Paramount feature in 2003. The 73-minute silent, black-and-white film was re-scored with American Indian wood flutes performed by Brent Michael Davids, and electric guitar by Joe Myers. The score was performed live-to-picture by the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra and Society for New Music at the historic Landmark Center. Original Music by Brent Michael Davids of Blue Butterfly Group.

Film Composer Brent Michael Davids is the country's top award-winning American Indian composer, and a citizen of the Mohican Nation. In 1996, Davids composed his first feature film score, commissioned by the Santa Fe International Film Festival, for "Silent Enemy" (1929: Paramount) that was performed live-to-picture at the Grand Illusion Theater. Considered the senior fellow of American Indian composers, the world's most celebrated ensembles have commissioned him, including the Kronos Quartet, Joffrey Ballet, Chanticleer and the National Symphony.

His original music scores, for films like "Dreamkeeper," "The World of American Indian Dance," "The Business of Fancy Dancing," and "Raccoon & Crawfish," have appeared on ABC, NBC, Hallmark, PBS, and on radio broadcasts for NPR, NAPT and AIROS, including "A Prairie Home Companion" show. With two university degrees, Davids trained at Redford's Sundance Institute with Shirley Walker (A League Of Their Own), and apprenticed in London with Stephen Warbeck (Shakespeare In Love). A Great Film Needs A Great Composer!
