79-Year-Old Woman Kills Three While Backing Out of Church Parking Spot

  • 10 years ago
In one very tragic report, a 79-year-old woman in Bradenton, Florida killed three people while backing out of a church parking spot on a recent Sunday morning.

In one very tragic report, a 79-year-old woman in Bradenton, Florida killed three people while backing out of a church parking spot on a recent Sunday morning.

Doreen Landstra had been parked in a handicapped space. Soon after shifting her SUV into reverse, she lost control of the vehicle and struck seven pedestrians.

Three of the elderly victims succumbed to their injuries. The remaining four were hurt and had to be transported to the hospital.

After the fatal accident, Landstra’s vehicle continued to move. The SUV drove over a curb before finally coming to a stop in a nearby creek.

Witnesses said it appeared Landstra thought she shifted the car into drive prior to striking the pedestrians. They were later told by the driver that the pedal had gotten stuck and she was unable to stop.

Police have launched an investigation into the accident but they said alcohol was not involved. Landstra’s 87-year-old husband was also in the vehicle at the time of the crash.

She and her spouse were both uninjured. Cops interviewed Landstra after the crash, but she was able to return home to her family. However, she may be facing legal charges in the future depending on the outcome of the investigation.
