Saddam Hussein coverage 12-29-2006

  • 17 years ago
This is a bit of CNN's coverage in the following order:

Hussein's Legacy
Hussein's Final Moments
Hussein in hangman's noose
Hussein in white shroud

There is absolutely no denying that Saddam was a horrible tryant to his people and even to his own family.

Saddam deserved punishment- no doubt about that. BUT NOT HOW it was brought about: ie The Bush LIES that led many into the Iraq War!

** Bottom line: Iraq did not execute Saddam, BUSH executed Saddam.

Watch these videos to understand why I make the above statement:

Watch "THE DARK SIDE" here:

As well as America - Remember the lies..

After watching a video called "WHY WE FIGHT" and now watching the recent news of Saddam, it's the principle of the whole thing that bothers me.

See trailer of " WHY WE FIGHT " here:

A bit from the video :
"Blowback" and Saddam Hussein

And this one.. Saddam & IRAQ had NOTHING to do with Osama, or 9/11!

** Snippet from an article dated Dec 31 2006:
" There was something medieval about the black masks worn by his executioners. This was not so much retribution for the crimes against humanity as a public lynching, seen on prime time television. As a supposedly civilised world, we have not made much progress in the last 500 years.

Those who claim that Saddam should be punished according to the legal code of his own country ignore the fact that he was captured, tried and sentenced under the auspices of allied power. It was entirely within the jurisdiction of his captors to determine where and how he should be put on trial and what punishment he should face. By handing him over to the Iraqis and allowing him to be publicly executed for the crimes he had committed against his own people, the United States has not only washed its hands of responsibility, it has shown that it believes in the doctrine of an eye for an eye, the notion that a man's violent actions should be punished by the infliction of equal violence against him.

Most civilised democracies have long rejected this idea. Over the years, in Europe and most advanced countries, though not including certain American states, the execution of criminals is seen as a denial of justice rather than a vindication of it. When the state kills a man for the crime he has committed, it has simply shown that it shares the same values that led him to offend in the first place. It allows no room for rehabilitation or remorse. It takes no account of mitigation or circumstance. It is a way of demonstrating revenge. It does not even have the merit of acting as a deterrent. America, which retains the death penalty for murder, has three times the murder rate of Britain. "

Link to full article:

>>>Update. MORE news on Saddam Hussein video from Jan 4, 2007 found here:

Check this Youtube vid snippet out (freedom and freedom of the press my bo zo zo!!!)
This video is an excerpt from the PBS Independent Lens' episode