CGRundertow CATBALL EATS IT ALL for iPad Video Game Review

  • 12 years ago
Catball Eats It All review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Catball Eats It All from Broken Compass Studios for the iPad. The first thing that strikes you about Catball Eats It All is that it's really bizarre. You are Catball, and like Pac Man before you, it's your job to eat it all. This is a classic tenet of game design, the idea of collecting all the stuff in a single stage. What makes it interesting in this application is...well, everything. For one, the items have no apparent rhyme, reason or even continuity. You're eating a bunch of crowns right now, but you'll eat socks in a few minutes. Two, you actually have to eat the entire maze. And three, you can't just take your time. You're under the constant pursuit of a gigantic canine, and if you can't finish before time's up, Dogwall does something terrible. This video review features video gameplay footage of Catball Eats It All for the iPad and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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