CGRundertow CARS 2 for Nintendo 3DS Video Game Review

  • 12 years ago
Cars 2 review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Cars 2 from Firebrand Games and Disney Interactive Studios for the Nintendo 3DS. Cars 2 is a game that has no idea what it wants to be. It's a game with driving, but it's not necessarily a racing game. You have to sneak around, but it's not exactly a stealth game...because you have exhaust coming out of your tailpipe. Kind of blows your cover, doesn't it? Cars 2 splits itself into two primary components. You start with a spy mission. Afterward, you go into a race. After that, it goes back to its literal interpretation of Metal Gear. I've never played a driving video game with this kind of split personality, and now that I have, I know why doctors call it a disorder. The missions are short and boring, and sneaking around as a car doesn't work. Then you're racing, which is a lot better than the game's other half...but the contrast from terrible to average makes you forget that even the racing is just average. This video review features video gameplay footage of Cars 2 for the Nintendo 3DS and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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