CGRundertow BOWLING WIZARDS for iPad Video Game Review

  • 12 years ago
Bowling Wizards review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Bowling Wizards from NextWave Multimedia for the iPad. Bowling Wizards is a free game available in the App Store...or at least, the first six levels of the first world are free. An evil wizard is capturing living bowling pins and casting a spell on them. The idea is that if you knock the pins down, you relieve them of the dark lord's grasp. Of course, the problem is they're not exactly in easily accessible areas. You have to use magic balls that can go in all sorts of directions to reach them. So thank heavens for the magic balls...of magic. Nonetheless, the game is a lot of fun. You have an array of balls, each with different abilities. And you have to place your balls on the level in such a way that you can start a chain reaction and successfully knock over the pins. This video review features video gameplay footage of Bowling Wizards for the iPad and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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