Live From The CenTre - Episode 3 - Earthmouth

  • 12 years ago
My name is Dan Olgivie but you can call me Earthmouth because I give voice to the voiceless like plants and rocks and clouds in the world of social media so I am the mouth of the Earth on Twitter and I do this because the Earth should be a part of the conversation like let’s say you’re walking along and you stub your toe on a rock and then you tweet “Damn stubbed toe on rock lol” and I hate to put words in a rock’s mouth, but @rock might tweet back “Just got kicked in the rock face by a fat pink blob lmro” (laugh my rock off) or lets say you see a cloud and you tweet “Just saw a cloud. Looks like a whale” well @cloud might tweet “You look like a piece of shit. So what?” #cloudtalk so why not go talk to a fern.
