Why Mars and Venus Collide Book Summary and Review

  • 13 years ago
http://www.biomedik.com.au/product-details.php?proID=NjY= Why Mars and Venus Collide. A book by John Gray outlining how to recover from relationship challenges, divorce, break up, fall in love, and find your soul mate. The author of Men are from mars women are from Venus does it again with an arsenal of tools, tips and strategies to find love and repair relationships, and reaquaint with those estranged.

He also offers seminars, music, coaching, dr, he has a pHD. A doctor, who is not the author of straw dogs. His advice, help and quizes are useful for those. This is nearly as good as mars and venus starting over. You can buy it in Sydney, Australia book shop. A healthy relationship without therapy for alove and marriage with boundaries.