Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei Accused of "Economic Crimes"

  • 13 years ago
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And Chinese authorities have confirmed the arrest of Ai Weiwei, a staunch defender of artistic freedom and known for his criticism of the Chinese regime. International governments are denouncing the move. It comes after the disappearance of dozens of Chinese activists and rights lawyers in the past few weeks.

For years, contemporary Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has made scathing portrayals of the Chinese regime that few others would dare to do.

Last year he invited international media to a demolition party after Shanghai officials ordered his studio to be destroyed. On the menu was river crabs or hexie, a play on words that also means "harmonious." It was a thinly veiled jibe at one of the Chinese propaganda machine's favorite words.

Ai Weiwei's international renown has given him some protection in the past, but on April 3 Chinese authorities arrested him at the Beijing airport. And on Thursday, a Chinese official accused him of committing "economic crimes."

[Hong Lei, Foreign Ministry Spokesman]:
"To my understanding Ai Weiwei is suspected of economic crimes. Public security authorities are currently investigating the case in accordance with the law."

Britain, France and the United States have denounced the Chinese regime for arresting Ai Weiwei. And his family and friends say he's a victim of a political witch hunt.

[Pu Zhiqiang, Lawyer and friend of Ai Weiwei]:
"Ai Weiwei's detention above all shows the authorities' own fear. They don't know how to manage this society, or how to deal with liberal, independent people. By trampling on the respect that others have for him, they have in reality shot themselves in the foot."

Ai's Beijing studio was raided shortly after his arrest. Police also briefly detained his wife and staff.
Ben Yang