411 vm 14-4 preview

  • 13 years ago
new episode from 411 video magazine comes out on November 21st.

go get it:


more about it:

Openers will get your heart racing and the adrenalin pumping, followed by an amazing Chaos that features Danny Garcia, Chris Haslam, Dennis Busenitz, Devine Calloway, and Kenny Anderson! These two parts alone will get you hyped to go out and skate!

Robert Lopez, from Puerto Rico, is one skate machine that doesn't have an off switch. Put anything in his way and he'll annihilate it. Big gaps? Crazy rails? It doesn't matter! Robert skates like angry Silverback gorilla with the power to bulldoze anything that stands in his path. 14-4 brings you a full part that's not suitable for the weak-willed.