Three guilty of Halloween hat murder

  • 14 years ago

Three men face life sentences for killing an IT expert after snatching his girlfriend's Halloween hat.

Ben Gardner, 30, was punched to the ground where he lay helpless as one of the men kicked his head "as if taking a penalty". Allanna Devine, 28, was also punched in the attack on October 31 last year, the Old Bailey heard.

Daniel Ransom, Ross Collender, and Jordan Dixon, all of Carshalton, Surrey, were found guilty of murder. Sarah Davey, 41, of Sutton, Surrey, was found not guilty of assisting an offender by harbouring Dixon.

Mr Gardner, who worked for insurance firm Legal & General, had been to a club with Miss Devine to celebrate her birthday and Halloween. She was dressed in a pirate's outfit, with a black wig and hat. He had a black leather jacket and vampire fangs.

In the early hours of the morning, Miss Devine was waiting for Mr Gardner outside a kebab shop in Sutton when a group of men snatched her black hat and wig. Miss Devine broke down as she spoke of Mr Gardner's last moments.

Mr Gardner died in the early hours of November 1 last year from "catastrophic brain damage".
