Redknapp: Give Gallas a chance

  • 14 years ago

Harry Redknapp has urged sceptical Tottenham fans to give former Arsenal defender William Gallas the chance to become a White Hart Lane hero.

Gallas, 33, is on the brink of crossing the north London divide after agreeing a one-year contract with Spurs, with a medical the only stumbling block to his signing.

But passing that test could end up being child's play compared to winning over his new club's supporters, who have been almost conditioned to jeer the former Gunners and Chelsea defender over the last decade.

But Redknapp cannot understand anyone wanting to abuse the France international because he used to play for the enemy.

"He's done nothing wrong. What's he done wrong?" said Redknapp. "He's not the first player to go from Arsenal to Tottenham or Tottenham to Arsenal. It happens all the time ... He won championships and all sorts at Chelsea.

"He's a great lad as well, smashing fellow. I've been absolutely really impressed with him. He'll improve Tottenham and that's all I'm concerned about."