Falun Gong Report Shows Tens of Millions Still Targeted by C

  • 14 years ago
(on-screen, show screen shot of the 2010 Annual Report: Falun Gong Persecution and Activism in 2009)
This report released on Monday shows that tens of millions of Falun Gong adherents in China were being persecuted for their beliefs in 2009. It documents one more year in the Communist Party's decade-long persecution of the spiritual group.

The report is based partly on first-hand Chinese sources and eyewitness accounts.

Some of the key findings include:
• That Falun Gong adherents make up an estimated 15 to 20 percent of people held in Chinese labor camps—that means at least 450,000 adherents are currently in prison for their beliefs.
• Authorities abducted at least 66 adherents in Shanghai ahead of the World Expo scheduled to start there on May 1st.
• Lawyers who have represented Falun Gong adherents in court faced escalating harassment by authorities—in some cases even detention and torture.
• And that nonetheless, Falun Gong remains a strong and nonviolent grassroots movement within China.

The Falun Dafa Information Center is the primary resource on the human rights abuses against Falun Gong. Its Executive Director Levi Browde (BROW-dee) spoke about the report at a news conference on Monday at the National Press Club in Washington.

[Levi Browde, Executive Director, Falun Dafa Information Center]: (00:06:14—00:06:28)
“There’s nothing lawful about the campaign against Falun Gong. It’s led by the Party. It’s not led by the government. It is illegal under Chinese law. It is illegal under international law and it is highly brutal.”

So brutal that Falun Gong practitioners are allegedly being injected with potassium and killed for their organs—organs which are then sold on the black market, according to David Matas. Matas co-authored an investigative report on the topic called “Bloody Harvest.”


NTD News, Washington, D.C.
