• 14 years ago
February 25, 2010, 7:35 PM, over the roof tops, from our quaint backyard in Tallahassee - Florida - USA. The eastern approach was slow and very low - noticed a few quick darts in between floating and lingering. That's enough to set off the red flags these days. Before continuing forward, it hovered for a few seconds - just enough time to properly ready the camera.

Have filmed a number of UFOs - this one might be the most spectacular, the glow was amazing, the reveal a surprise.

As for the 'Morphing' - really not sure what is going on but viewed from different angles the craft seems to physically change. Better question to ask might be - How much of this craft can be seen at any given time versus how much remains 'cloaked' to the human eye?

Interesting fact: UFO produced a quiet, low hum - somewhat different from a plane or helicopter.


MUFON is actively investigating the ongoing "UFO Phenomena" here in Southwood - Tallahassee - FL.

Used a Canon XL1.
