Artwork pictures Celebrities And Dress Up Games Posted By: E

  • 14 years ago
Celebrities are easy fodder for online games and trivia. But the celebrities show up on one sort of site that you might not initially expect to find them. Dress up games are hugely popular when they are centered on celebrities and celebrity fashion. It makes sense, of course, when you think about the audience of these sorts of games, the presence of celebrities fits naturally. The preteen and young teenage girl is primarily responsible for pushing young starlets and bands to stardom. These crazy kids are intensely dedicated making it a natural response to seek out a favorite online and then create an entirely new look for him or her.

Celebrity Dress Up Games

The celebrity dress up game can take a few forms. The most simplistic is the game that has a star as the fashion plate. For example, you might Miley Cyrus as a fashion plate wearing briefs and a tank top. The visitor to the site then gets to dress Miley in any way, shape or form that she l
