God created the universe in 4,008,593,749,996,946B.C. http://engfate.orgfree.com/holybible

  • 14 years ago
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is on Thursday, 17th Dec., 2054.

John Wong's general form of God's Jubilee Creation Formula is BC=5131x50^(8-n) -m, where `BC' is the year reckoned before Christ (B.C.). `n' is the Day of God's creation. `8-n' are the powers of 50. `m' is the end year of God's Millennium Kingdom reckoned in A.D. (Anno Domini).

Assume the end of Millennium Kingdom is in A.D.3054.

For n=1, BC=5,131x50^(8-1) -3054, BC=4,008,593,749,996,946. God created light in 4,008,593,749,996,
946 B.C. The duration of 1st Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50x50x50x50x50=4,008,593,750,000,
000 years.

For n=2, BC=5,131x50^(8-2) -3054, BC=80,171,874,996,946. God created firmament in 80,171,874,996,
946 B.C. The duration of 2nd Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50x50x50x50=80,171,875,000,000 years.

For n=3, BC=5,131x50^(8-3) -3054, BC=1,603,437,496,946. God created land, sea and plant in 1,603,437,
496,946 B.C. The duration of 3rd Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50x50x50=1,603,437,500,000 years.

For n=4, BC=5,131x50^(8-4) -3054, BC=32,068,746,946. God created the sun, moon and stars in 32,068,
746,946 B.C. The duration of 4th Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50x50=32,068,750,000 years.

For n=5, BC=5,131x50^(8-5) -3054, BC=641,371,946. God created water creature and fowl in 641,371,946 B.C. The duration of 5th Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50x50=641,375,000 years.

For n=6, BC=5,131x50^(8-6) -3054, BC=12,824,446. God created creeping thing and beast in 12,824,446 B.C. The duration of 6th Day of God's Creation is 256,550x50=12,827,500 years.

For n=7, BC=5,131x50^(8-7) -3054, BC=253,496. God created modern wise man, Adam, and his wife Eve in 253,496 B.C. The duration of human beings is 256,550 years.

John Wong, the Mathematical Evangelist 2018, thoroughly knows Book of Daniel and fully understands Book of Revelation. http://wck.orgfree.com/holybible


1.John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science website: http://wck.orgfree.com/holybible

2. John Wong's Institute of Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (JWIPT&FM) website: http://ptfm.orgfree.com

3. John Wong's Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM) website: http://ptmae.orgfree.com

4. Theme: How to predict Earth's great natural disaster or war? http://ihouse.hkedcity.net/~ec468280/nuclearwar/wckmain/main-e.htm#e-quake

5. World's Seven Greatest Wisdom http://engfate.orgfree.com/7wisdom

6. The Mystery of Holy Bible: The World of Jehovah God: http://wck.orgfree.com/godworld

7. The Mystery of Holy Bible: Revelation and Apocalypse: http://wck.orgfree.com/apocalypse

8. John Wong's Thesis to the Shaw Prize Secretariat (Mathematics): How to clear up Biblical Puzzles and understand the Destiny of the World by Mathematics?

9. Theme: How to find the dates of Second Coming of Jesus Christ and beginning of Millennium Kingdom?
