Carry On - Jake McVey

  • 15 years ago

Within every musical soul, there’s always an inner battle between security and creativity. Newcomer Jake McVey made the decision to walk away from a lucrative business designing and building custom guitars to pursue his dream. Instead of providing instruments for others to play music, he decided to step out and make his own.

It was a scary leap, confesses McVey, who just released his second album, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Everyone always wants security, but I always knew I was going to go this direction. It got to the point where I was doing a ton of shows and still working the day job. I always knew I was going to make music and somehow you just come to the point where it’s time. I bought a bus, sold everything I had, moved in it and went on the road.

The decision has paid off as McVey has become one of the most in demand young acts in country music. Performing 300 shows last year, he was named one of the Top Ten touring acts by Billboard magazine. His expe
