TNA Sacrifice 2009 Predictions

  • 15 years ago
Kevin Nash vs. Samoa Joe
Winner: Samoa Joe

TNA Women's Knockout Championship
Angelina Love (c) vs. Awesome Kong
Winner: Awesome Kong

TNA Knockout Monster's Ball match
Daffney (with Abyss) vs. Taylor Wilde
Winner: Daffney

"I Quit" match for the TNA Legends Championship
A.J. Styles (c) vs. Booker T
Winner: A.J. Styles

Tag Team match; finals in the Team 3D Invitational Tag Team Tournament
Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode and James Storm) vs. The British Invasion (Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams)
Winners: The British Invasion

Four Way Ultimate Sacrifice match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Mick Foley (c) vs. Kurt Angle vs. Sting vs. Jeff Jarett
Winner: Kurt Angle