Ayr Station Hotel Fire - Update

  • 7 months ago
Ayr is open for business! Council to provide a range of support to drive footfall to Ayr town centre during festive season

There's nothing better than some festive music to help you get into the spirit of the season while you're in town doing a bit of Christmas shopping. So, make your way to The Grain Exchange and enjoy listening to some local choirs perform some Christmas classics and favourite yuletide hits.

All this on top of the Festive Family Fun Day on Sunday 19 November, with its Christmas market, Santa Express Train, dance extravaganza and much more - there's a lot to look forward to!

From Sunday 19 November there's also the added bonus of all day, unlimited free on street parking in and around Ayr town centre and in Council car parks. This free parking will be available every day until Monday 8 January 2024.

With the essential safety works continuing at the Station Hotel building, resulting in the temporary closure of Ayr Train Station and Station Bridge Road, we're creating a programme that will support eligible businesses in the immediate area.

Officers from our Economy and Regeneration team will soon contact all of the businesses that fall into the criteria directly, to talk about the additional business support that's available to them.

Leader of South Ayrshire Council, Councillor Martin Dowey, said: "Ensuring public safety is at the forefront of our concerns. This means that temporary road closures at Ayr Train Station and Station Bridge Road are essential to keep everyone safe during the ongoing safety works. A key objective is to get both rail and road transport moving again as soon as possible, however, with the closures expected to last until around 10th January, I want local retailers to know that the Council is here to support them. Our extended range of festive activities is just what the town centre needs ahead of Christmas. Plus, we'll soon be launching our promotional campaign so that everyone knows Ayr is open and ready to welcome their custom! We've also been working hard behind the scenes on specific business support grants for shops and businesses in the immediate area of the closures that are severely impacted."
