'Citizens Allowed In Crime Scene' Says After Action Report | Sandy Hook

  • 8 months ago
There was a female faculty member (who I believe was Joanne Didonato/secretary) that was not at the school that day allowed into the main office area to retrieve photos from rooms 8, 10 and 12 to help identify victims. This is interesting due to the fact that we're told nothing happened in room 12. https://sandyhooked.wixsite.com/inves...
The report also discusses the fact that they laundered biological evidence (which is illegal in the state of Connecticut https://law.justia.com/codes/connecti...) and briefly mentions the congested road, which prevented a wounded victim (Debora Pisani) from being able to get medical attention for several hours.
The After Action Report is supposed to be done within weeks of the event (NOT 5 YEARS) and the one that was published was NOT the original, that is now missing.

After Action Report: https://www.policinginstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/csp_aar.pdf

My site: https://www.sandyhooked.net/