Nora Fatehi Or Salman Khan K Sath Bollywood Stars Ki Entry - Abu Dhabi Me IIFA Award Ka Mela Saj Gia

  • last year
IIFA awards s023 was organized in Dubai this year. All the big wigs and superstars of Bollywood were in attendance at the IIFA Rocks green carpet event. Salman Khan, Nora fatehi, farah khan, varun dhavan ,vicky Kaushal and many other superstars interacted with media at the event. UrduPoint anchor Ijaz Gondal has given us the glimpse of the IIFa rocks green carpet .
Anchor: Ijaz Gondal

#SalmanKhan #NoraFatehi #IIFAAwards #IIFAAwards2023 #IIFAAwardsAbuDhabi #Bollywood #AbuDhabi
