Should the Olympics Go Ahead?

  • 3 years ago
The Olympic games are fast approaching, but will they still go ahead? The Japanese authorities say the games will continue as planned, but the general public in Japan are less enthusiastic. We speak to ordinary Americans to find out what they think. Dr Padmini Pillai, an immunologist at MIT explains some of the risks at play. Script/script/script/script/script/script/script/script/script/script IN THE COUNTDOWN TO THE TOKYO OLYMPICS, U.S FANS BALANCING COMPETITION AND THE PUBLIC HEALTH CONCERNS OF COVID ... Butted SOT - Americans Reacting SOT Amber Stamper we have Covid, I mean, India's going under as we speak. 00:37 There's so many things going on and we want to go, hey, let's throw a bunch of money like building olympic villages I just think it's in bad taste. butted to SOT Sonny Webb Originially I was against it, but then I sort of changed my mind because there are so many good Americans practicing and this could be their last shot IN JAPAN, THE HOST OF THE NOW 2021 OLYMPIC GAMES... A MORE ONE-SIDED SENTIMENT... A RECENT POLL SHOWING 80% OF THE POPULATION IS AGAINST THE GAMES KICKING OFF AS SCHEDULED IN JULY... FOR IMMUNOLOGISTS, A CONCERN OVER INCREASING GLOBAL SPREAD... COUPLED WITH LOW INTERNATIONAL VACCINATION RATES... SOT Dr. Padmini Pillai This is a global pandemic and we need to play the long game here to return to a new normal Right now, it's a race between vaccination and variance, not just on a national but global scale. JAPAN'S PRIME MINISTER SAYS JAPAN CAN AND WILL HOST THE GAMES SAFELY... NO INTERNATIONAL SPECTATORS ARE ALLOWED... AND ALL ATHLETES WILL BE TESTED DAILY AND WHILE THE INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE PREPARES TO RELEASE ITS FINAL SAFETY MEASURES NEXT MONTH... PRESSURE IS MOUNTING... NOW A TOP DOCTORS' ASSOCIATION IN TOKYO IS JOINING THE CALL FOR CANCELLING THE GAMES...
