Lasagna Pie: Pizza or Lasagna?

  • 3 years ago
"Scott can’t let his road trip with Mark end on a sour note so he thought the only way to restore the good faith in their friendship was to keep the road trip going. But driving up to Maine while Mark was sleeping was definitely extreme, even for Scott. Once Mark cools down and gives kudos to Scott for making such a risky move, the two head to Slab Sicilian Street Food in Portland to try their lasagna pie, which is lasagna built in to a chicago style pizza crust with crumbled meatballs, four cheeses, and layered pasta. Scott’s been eyeing this pizza for years and he can’t wait to see Mark’s reaction. Will Mark be convinced that the lasagna pie is pizza? Will Scott finally take Mark back to Brooklyn now?

What makes a pizza, a pizza? Lucali owner and old-school Brooklyn pizzaiolo Mark Iacono has a strict pizza formula: sauce, cheese, and dough. That’s it. But renowned pizza enthusiast Scott Wiener believes that the beauty of the slice comes from its creative customizability; even if it’s topped with cheeseburgers or constructed with paella. Scott travels all over America to spotlight the country’s most unique pies and make a case for whether these new customizations can, in fact, still be considered a pizza. This time, he’s taking Mark along for the ride on an East Coast road trip to try the craziest concoctions claiming to be pizza... but are they really dough?" This video "Lasagna Pie: Pizza or Lasagna?", first appeared on
