JFK Jr. Plane Crash or Murder ? ️ // Mesh News Exclusive Research

  • 4 years ago
The crash of JFK jr. was one of the last pieces of big news before the new millennium. Mesh News looks into new research of the crash, and a new insight into unanswered questions. In Mesh News upcoming documentary, we go into how it fits into a much larger narrative. The above clip is a watermarked preview of what's to come.

The year was 1999, Backstreet Boys was top of the charts, and The Matrix was redefining action movies. The Dot Com boom gave birth to long standing giants like Yahoo.com, and the word "Hella" entered the American lexicon.

Something else happened in 1999 that also brought the nation to a stand still, the death of JFK Jr.

JFK Jr. held a lot of weight on his shoulders, namely being a Jr. of the modern most notable president, John F. Kennedy. After the assasination of his father rocked the nation, his mother took the family out of the limelight, and married a Greek shipping mogul.

John and his siblings lived out of the limelight in Europe most of his childhood, but up reaching adulthood, John F Kennedy Jr. came back to the United States to begin his life and possibly carry the torch of his father and be a shining light of the famed "Camelot" empire of the Kennedy's.

JFK Jr. had the looks, brains, and prestige of being a member of American Royalty. He never let it go to his head, and was famous for his mantra "I would rather be a good man, than a great man."

He took this humble drive and sought work with the New York District Attorney, and later used his understanding of life within power circles and politics, creating the lifestyle and politics magazine "George."

JFK Jr. fought hard to shake what was. I own as "The Kennedy Curse," the seemingly systematic destruction of his family members after the assasination of his father, uncle, and mysterious deaths of countless other members of the Kennedy family.

The Kennedy family was keeping his political asperations quiet as he built a reputation for honesty being a lawyer for the District Attorney, and an authority on politics with his magazine George, but others in power circles knew of his next steps to step into his father's shoes.

On the clear night of July 16th, JFK Jr. got into his private plane along with his wife Carolyn, and his sister in law, Lauren Bassett. The three took his Piper Saratoga, and flew along the coast line of long island towards Martha's Vineyard. When the plane made its final radio communication with air traffic control, JFK's plane did an unexplained dive like a stone into the ocean off the coast of the island of Martha's Vineyard.

After 5 days of the nation clinging to the television, the wreckage was found 17 miles off the coast of the island. Before the wreckage was found, there was some hope for their survival. Luggage with Lauren Bassett's ( JFK Jr's Sister In-Law ) washed ashore, followed by other pieces of debris, such as headrest.

After the wreckage and bodies were recovered, the funerals for the three were held, fol