Brat son dumps new BMW in river after father refuses to buy Jaguar

  • 5 years ago
An angry 22-year-old man dumped a brand new BMW into a river after his father refused to buy him a Jaguar.

Akash, a resident of Yamuna Nagar in Haryana in northern India, drove his BMW 3 Series car into the swollen Soma river on August 9.

He got out just as the powerful currents started dragging the car along with them till it hit an island in the middle of the river.

Akash even took a video of the stricken car and sent it to his father.

Realising his folly after a while, he assembled a local team of divers and tried to retrieve the vehicle

It took over five hours to get the vehicle back against the strong current.

Akash’s father, a rich local farmer, had bought the Rs 45 lakh (GBP 52,000) BMW just two months ago for his son. But Akash wanted a Jaguar and was unhappy with his new vehicle, according to local media.

Senior police officer Desraj Singh said Akash wanted a bigger car and pestered his father for a Jaguar. “He is stubborn by nature and will face legal action,” said Singh.

Officials sent an ambulance and a team of rescuers fearing people may have been trapped in the mishap.

“It is not clear what provoked him to drown his new car,” said another officer.
