Christmas shopping prices in Buenos Aires supermarket 1990

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Report where journalist comments: "The manger is one of the typical symbols of the parties of the good night and of the Christmas, but this is mounted in a supermarket, because here the clients are making the last purchases, the Finally, for example, sweet bread is changing in prices from 16,000 australes to 47,300, of course, for this the variation in prices is explained by the different quality, the content of the ingredients of the sweet bread and also the format with the presentation and the quantity, and the weight of each one of them.The cider on the other hand that has values ​​that also vary a lot from 5,990 to 11,290.They also explain these proportions in base to its quality and its different capacity in the content As for the meat the packaged products cost, for example, the palette the 16.500 australes kilo, the roast beef 14.900, the same price for the anif hos, while the bifes, the narrow cut is located at 18,900; the kilo of loin 28,900 Australes; the square 21,900; and the tail 23,900 Australes. "Interview to the people, in which he is asked: - Can you buy normally what one needs for the parties? - Can be bought like last year, the situation is easier or more complicated • General views of the manger inside the supermarket • General views of the supermarket interior and the people doing the shopping • Close-ups of a man dressed in Santa Claus costume and walking through the supermarket.
Date: 12/20/1990
Duration: 4 minutes 12 seconds
Code: UG-2547

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