Hollywood Production Companies Ditch Georgia Over Abortion Law

  • 5 years ago
Hollywood Production Companies Ditch Georgia Over Abortion Law A 'heartbeat bill' was signed this month by the state's governor, Brian Kemp. The legislation bans abortions as soon as a fetus' heartbeat is discovered. The law has angered Hollywood companies, many of whom film projects in Atlanta. 'The Wire' creator David Simon says his Blown Deadline Productions will not do business in the state anymore. In addition, neither will Duplass Brothers Productions and Killer Films. Don’t give your business to Georgia. Will you pledge with me not to film anything in Georgia until they reverse this backwards legislation? Killer Films will no longer consider Georgia as a viable shooting location until this ridiculous law is overturned. The American Civil Liberties Union has said it will challenge the legislation in court. The ACLU of Georgia will also get donations from Jordan Peele and J.J. Abrams, who are filming a project in Atlanta. Fees from their upcoming show, 'Lovecraft Country,' will be sent to the organization.
