firestarter gerber vs swedish firesteel pt2

  • 6 years ago
part 1: \r
part 3: \r
in this continuance of the comparison i use shavings of cardboard and found that both executed this task rather well. next i use fine shavings of fatwood to start a fire and also \r
find it rather easy to do. for the next trial i use seasoned(dry) although freshly cut white pine shavings to start another fire and find it to be a little more difficult to do with the striker from the gerber as well as just difficult altogether. in a high wind i think if you had to rely on either for lighting a fire for survival that you may find yourself in a bad position if you have to rely on wood shavings as the firestarter. i did get the fire lit with the white pine shavings but, with much difficulty. next will be the final video of the comparisons between the gerber bear grylls firestarter and the swedish light my firesteel scout 2.0