How Martin Schulz’s Campaign Against Angela Merkel Fizzled

  • 7 years ago
How Martin Schulz’s Campaign Against Angela Merkel Fizzled
According to a recent study, perhaps the only category in which Mr. Schulz outperforms Ms. Merkel is the perception
that he is "closer to the problems of people." "Of course, Germany is a wealthy country, but not all people in our country are wealthy," Mr. Schulz said in the debate with Ms. Merkel, one of the few areas where he directly challenged her.
Mr. Schulz, 61, the candidate of Germany’s Social Democratic Party, was once the only person
who had a real chance of taking the chancellorship from Angela Merkel after nearly 12 years.
Having spent five years as president of the European Parliament
and more than two decades working on broader European matters rather than specifically in German politics — something once seen as a potential advantage for him — Mr. Schulz has taken pains to shed the image of a globalist interloper and present himself as a man of the people.
that many
Four years of governing together with Ms. Merkel has left the Social Democratic Party, or S.P.D.,
in the awkward position of having to criticize the very government it is a part of.
