Moore On Viral Nurse Video: 'What It Looks Like Now In Trump's America'

  • 7 years ago
Filmmaker Michael Moore tweeted his reaction to the viral video in which a nurse is handcuffed for refusing to draw a patient's blood.

Reacting to the now viral video in which a Utah nurse was seen getting arrested after she refused to draw blood from a patient, filmmaker Michael Moore posted a tweet on Friday.
"Here's what it looks like now in Trump's America," Moore said, while including a link to the video. "The authoritarian police state he so loves is now everywhere."
In the footage, Salt Lake City police detective Jeff Payne is seen pressuring nurse Alex Wubbels at the University of Utah Hospital to draw blood from an unconscious crash victim. 
Wubbels calmly mentions that the request can not be satisfied, as according to CNN, "Hospital policy specified police needed either a judge's order or the patient's consent, or the patient needed to be under arrest, before obtaining a blood sample."
And after more back and forth, the situation escalates.
The Washington Post reports, Payne "seized hold of the nurse, shoved her out of the building and cuffed her hands behind her back. A bewildered Wubbels screamed 'help me' and 'you’re assaulting me' as the detective forced her into an unmarked car and accused her of interfering with an investigation."
The detective has been placed on an administrative leave and Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill has reportedly ordered a criminal investigation into the incident.
Moore's tweet about 'Trump's America' comes days after President Trump pardoned controversial ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
The filmmaker, who has been an outspoken critic of Trump, also recently tweeted about the president, "It will take a nation of millions to remove him from office. Everybody off the bench!"
