Italy: landslides feared

  • 8 years ago
Days of torrential rain in Italy have covered entire villages in mud. Some of the worst hit areas are in the northwest of the country, including Rezzo in Liguria.

Two people died as a result of the flooding and three more are still missing. Large swathes of the country were affected from the alps all the way to Sicily.

Floods cause havoc and victims in northern Italy— Jeffrey s borreson (@jeffreymadwisc) November 27, 2016

Though the situation is said to have improved, there are still fears that deadly landslides could be triggered at any moment.

The agricultural organisation, Coldiretti, estimate the cost of extreme weather events in Italy over the past ten years at 14 billion euros.

In Genoa, a landslide from the hills in the north threatened to level several buildings. Over 200 people have been displaced. Authorities and civilians are continuing work to secure precarious structures.

Chasms have opened up in a Ski resort in Monesi which has been partially evacuated.
Hydro-geological problems, particularly in western Liguria, have been worsening year upon year especially during the Autumn rains.

La strada a Monesi, frazione di Mendatica #maltempo #liguria SkyTG24— Monica Napoli (Monicanpl) November 27, 2016
