Cellar Door

  • 16 years ago
An original Jubinell composition

Cellar Door

There's a door in the middle of the room.
It's shaped in a peculiar way.
It leads to the strangest places that I know.

My baby is standing near that door.
She's got a worn-out smile
and a sea of anguish in her dark eyes that I swear

she can't wait to tell me:
"I'm getting outta here,
taking with me my tears leaving nothing for you."

I can't bear to tell her:
"Goodbye my dear.

It's been eternity since she left
I'm still sitting here.
The door is shut tightly behind her.

I don't believe that it's true,
that she will never come back.
This room feels so empty without her.

I really want to scream out loud:
"Isn't anybody there?
Would you look out for my baby wherever she goes?"

Even though I know she don't care
if I breathe a sigh,
whether I live or die.

Do you believe in love?
Do you believe it can be killed
and brought back to life?

Behind this cellar door
your world and mine
can they collide outside of time?

I know that it's been years,
since you and I...
I know that centuries will pass.

I know that time will have to to stop
for you and I
to love again...