Woman who found second New York bomb thought it was a kid’s science experiment

  • 8 years ago
NEW YORK — A photographer who found a second explosive device in Manhattan didn’t call the cops at first because she thought it was a kid’s science experiment.

Jane Schreibman discovered the pressure cooker bomb near her home in Chelsea on Saturday night.

She told the New York Post that the pressure cooker had wires coming out of it that were attached to a cell phone or remote control.

Schreibman discovered the second device about 90 minutes after a dumpster bomb went off just blocks away, injuring 29 people.

The photographer found the device about 15 steps from the front door of her apartment. But it was only after she found roads blocked near her home that she thought she’d better call the cops.

Detectives showed up about three minutes later and told Schreibman to run.

The police bomb squad took the device away in the early hours of Sunday morning. So far the cops aren’t sure if it was functional.

Unable to get back into her apartment, Schreibman went to a friend’s house and played Scrabble until 3 a.m, when a detective finally escorted her home, the New York Post reported.
