Gathering » Anime (Winter 2016) Openings and Endings [Unranked Collection #1]

  • 8 years ago
A stride start.

No endorsements by any company is inferred/intended.

Attempting to abide by the fair use act, if anything, this display only shows excerpts of the whole work and acts as a tribute to the owners involved.

Gintama° ED4 Ending 4
Gintama° OP4 Opening 4
Musaigen no Phantom World ED Ending
Musaigen no Phantom World OP Opening
Osomatsu-san ED2 Ending 2
Osomatsu-san OP2 Opening 2
Prince of Stride: Alternative OP Opening
S*shi P*lice ED Ending
Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen ED2 Ending 2
Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen OP2 Opening 2