Alumínio Formigueiro - Does Aluminum Chloride cause Tingling?

  • há 8 anos
" ...went to see my doctor. She prescribed a topical solution with aluminum chloride in it. It works fantastic, but there is ...side effect of itching and tingling shortly after applying it. The... "

" Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I also tried the aluminum chloride facial applicant with bad results ...leaving me with a bad tingling feeling and rashes on my face. Not... "

The side effects featured here are based on those most frequently appearing in user posts on the Internet. The manufacturer's product labeling should always consulted for a list of side effects most frequently appearing in patients during clinical studies. Talk to your doctor about which medications may be most appropriate for you.
Treato does not review third-party posts for accuracy of any kind, including for medical diagnosis or treatments, or events in general. Treato does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Usage of the website does not substitute professional medical advice. The side effects featured here are based on those most frequently appearing in user posts on the Internet. The manufacturer's product labeling should always consulted for a list of side effects most frequently appearing in patients during clinical studies. Talk to your doctor about which medications may be most appropriate for you.
