Kerry: 'Two-state solution is not impossible'

  • 9 years ago
The so-called “two-state solution” in the Middle East is "not an impossible dream" but requires courage, Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday.

The comments by Kerry were made to an Israeli gathering at the United Nations, where there was a commemoration of the 1975 speech delivered by then-Israeli ambassador Chaim Herzog denouncing a UN resolution that declared Zionism a form of racism.

"The Zionist dream embraces the concept of Israel as a Jewish democracy, a beacon of light to all nations," Kerry told the event.

"That dream can only be upheld by two states living side by side in security,” he declared, adding, "We all know from years of discussion and efforts: this is not an impossible dream. It is achievable."

Kerry argued that choosing to recognize a Palestinian state "demands courage, demands leadership" and likened that choice to Herzog's actions at the UN 40 years ago.
