Voodoo Rahul Sood tears down the HP Blackbird 002

  • 17 years ago

What a show! Surrounded by top models (Petra was there!), tennis player Serena Williams and more (check video here soon), it was hard to get through the various stations where HP was presenting its new handhelds, PCs and workstations. But the showstopper was Blackbird 002, HP's latest gaming PC. And according to Voodoo co-founder Rahul Sood, Blackbird "obliterates the competition". Actually, it does it so well that it even obliterates Voodoo's top of the line PC, the Omen. And I after his presentation, I asked Rahul what should I buy, between Blackbird 002 and a Voodoo PC and his answer came as an astonishing surprise.

"If you have to buy a gaming PC today, get the Blackbird. It has the best engineering. We are working on a complete new generation of Voodoo PC that will even more blow you away. Stay tuned", said Rahul Sood.
