The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Review

  • 9 years ago
The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Review

So, it's finally happened, the most awaited superhero blockbuster of the year has finally hit theatres. Avenger's Age of Ultron premiered on the 22nd of April and we at hollywoodbackstage have a review for you die hard movie and superhero fans.

Right off the abt, we'd like to say that Age of Ultron is an amazingly entertaining summer movie. There’s true blockbuster spectacle throughout the two-hour plus running time that, when it comes to just plain fun, easily tops anything we’ve seen on the big screen this year. Whedon’s script is, naturally, packed with clever quips and there are enough cameos and inside jokes that we’re likely to be finding surprises in Age of Ultron for some time to come.

And yet too much is never enough and there is, admittedly, a disappointment factor to Ultron somewhat reminiscent of Marvel’s own early sequel entry, Iron Man 2. Similar to how the earlier followup debuted Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow, Ultron brings important new characters to the MCU that, in the interest of screen time, simply don’t get their full due and wind up feeling more like they’re being placed on the chess board for later use.
