"All of our city is heartbroken today"-de Blasio

  • 9 years ago

STORY: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says, "All of our city is heartbroken today" as he speaks at funeral for police officer Wenjian Liu.

Liu, along with his partner Rafael Ramos were killed in an ambush last month that deepened a rift between the mayor and the NYPD.

The killing of Liu and Ramos has frayed the already strained relations between the police force and de Blasio, who sharply criticized the NYPD's "stop-and-frisk" tactics when he ran for mayor in 2013.

The liberal mayor also offered qualified support for the wave of protests triggered by the two black men's deaths in New York and Ferguson, Missouri, and has said he talked to his biracial son, Dante, about interacting with police.

Immediately after Liu and Ramos were shot, Patrick Lynch, the head of the city's largest police union, expressed scorn for de Blasio, saying there was "blood on many hands."
