Iraqi forces storm Tikrit

  • 10 years ago
Iraqis troops storm a building in Tikrit --- just one of several they raided as they work to dislodge the group, known as the Islamic State, from the city.

Soldiers cheer around the body of a dead fighter. Tikrit is now the front-line of the country's battle with Sunni militants. The army is here in full force, determined to keep the group from advancing. The fighters in recent days, have declared a a caliphate --- which basically means an Islamic state made up of cities they've captured both in Syria and Iraq.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki offered this warning to Mideast leaders on Wednesday.


"The group that used to just be focused on Iraq and Syria is now interested in declaring a caliphate in the entire region. But they will fail because of the courage of the Iraqi fighters in the army, and the police, and the volunteers from the sons of the Iraqi people."

Military operations also
