Woman Documents Life With Bradley Cooper Cardboard Cutout

  • 10 years ago
A woman in New Jersey is living her life with Bradley Cooper. Danielle Davies isn’t spending her days with the real like Bradley Cooper, but she’s getting as close to the actor as possible with a cardboard cutout.

"She seems to like you." [Via Warner Bros.]

A woman in New Jersey is living her life with Bradley Cooper. Danielle Davies isn’t spending her days with the real like Bradley Cooper, but she’s getting as close to the actor as possible with a cardboard cutout.

She remarked “The fact is, while most of us don't actually live our lives with movie stars, many of us wish we did… This is the land of the free and the brave, where all things can happen. Especially if you make them happen. Who am I to buck the system? If I want a life with Bradley Cooper, well, then...I'll just make one up.”

Bradley’s cardboard cutout shows him all dressed up in a tuxedo. 39-year-old Davies, who is a married mother, said she met the actor during her sophomore year at college when they were in a play together.

In the years since that performance, Copper has obviously become uber-famous while Davies is living a typical life. Her days with Cooper are a way of poking fun at how their lives are so different.

The photos of their life together show them running errands, cooking, doing some sightseeing and even relaxing at Davies’ home. Luckily her real-life husband is fine with it.

Davies hasn’t heard from Cooper yet but she’s confident he’ll soon find out she’s toting around his cardboard twin, as she’s writing a book documenting the experiences.
