Hidden Portrait Discovered Under Picasso's 'The Blue Room’

  • 10 years ago
A hidden painting has been discovered within Picasso's famous painting. The original artwork called ‘The Blue Room’ dates back to 1901 and features a nude woman bathing in the artist’s studio.

A hidden painting has been discovered within Picasso's famous painting. The original artwork called ‘The Blue Room’ dates back to 1901 and features a nude woman bathing in the artist’s studio.

"You just never know what's lurking beneath the surface. Even if you squint, you are still not going to see it because it takes a high-powered gizmo to spot the masterpiece behind the masterpiece." [Via CNN]

Conservators at The Phillips Collection in Washington utilized infrared technology on the piece and discovered that underneath the top painting is another one. The hidden artwork under the brushstrokes is very different.

It’s a portrait of a man wearing a bow-tie with his fingers resting against his temple and cheek, making it appear as though the male is in deep thought. Both artworks were reportedly created in Paris during Picasso’s ‘Blue Period’.

Curator Susan Behrends Frank remarked “When Picasso had an idea, you know, he just had to get it down and realise it. He could not afford to acquire new canvasses every time he had an idea that he wanted to pursue.”
