CGR Undertow - MURI review for PC

  • 10 years ago
Muri review.
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Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of Muri for PC developed and published by Ludosity.

Muri hearkens back to a day I didn't particularly want to hearken back to. A day when 16 colors were all you got, a day when things like a "soundtrack" were an unreasonable luxury, and a day when games came on 5 1/4" floppy disks. Muri - Japanese for "Impossible" or "Unreasonable" - is a throwback to when PC gaming was the console's little cousin that went off to Europe and got weird ideas, while all the interesting stuff was happening in the US and Japan. Difference is, while those games were generally low-quality and a chore to play... beneath its retro exterior, Muri is mechanically quite sound. Even if it does get a bit muri on the higher difficulties.

This video review features video gameplay footage of Muri for PC and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's TJ.